Should I Really Throw Away My Spices?

Have you ever read you need to throw out all your spices once a year and start over? We have. Maybe you think that’s a little excessive. Probably, considering what spices can cost. But, maybe throwing out spices is a good thing. Why?

In fact, how do you know when to throw away your spices or that half-used bottle of herbs? Do spices actually go bad? Do spices mold? Do you really need to throw all your spices away? It just seems like such a waste. Is it?

According to many experts, dried spices and herbs don’t really go bad. They do not rot or become unsafe to consume. Unless, that is, you store them in a high heat, high humid area. If they become damp from the humidity, they can develop mold. If you see mold, throw the entire jar away. Do not try to salvage any part of the spice. That’s when you need to throw away those spices…all of them.

What is the best way to keep them? Store them in a glass jar, preferably the one they came in when you bought them. Out of the direct sun is best. Also, away from your oven’s heat is best as well.

Having said that, spices will lose their strength. Why? Their flavor is derived from aromatic oils. These oils lessen with time. When this happens, it is time to throw away those spices. Ever notice your oregano or red pepper flakes smell stronger when you first open a jar? Ground spices, with more surface area, are the first to lose their smell and potency. Makes sense.

What do you do? The rule of thumb is to use ground spices within a year. Try to use whole ones within two years. If you don’t know how long you’ve had them…smell them. Does the oregano, basil, or other spice or herb still smell like it should? If so, keep it for a while longer. If you can’t tell if it’s basil or oregano or if it’s allspice or cloves…you should throw away those spices and buy new.

When you do buy a new jar or bottle, think about how often you use it. If your cinnamon gets used weekly, buy the big jar. If you only use cayenne every other month, buy the smallest bottle you can.

Another good suggestion is to write the date you bought it on the bottle. At least put the month and year. That may help you when you’re cleaning your spice cabinet.

How do we know when to throw away spices in our cabinets? A good rule of thumb is to take a look at your spices once a year. Try to do this the same time every year. For us, it makes sense to look at our spices the first of the year and decide which spices to throw away and which ones to keep.That way we cook and bake with the best spices we can.

Want to know how to use spices when cooking? Check out our Healthy Chicken Salad recipe. Add your own twist with spices you like.

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